to kick | Hit something with your foot |
to kick the bucket | (in slang) Die |
to kick the habit | Give up an addiction He finally kicked the habit and stopped smoking. |
to kick one's heels | Have nothing to do while waiting for something He had to kick his heels for hours because the bus was so late. |
to kick up one's heels | To enjoy oneself at a party John passed his final exams. Now he's going to kick up his heels for a few days to celebrate. |
to kick up a dust | Make a fuss |
to kick up a fuss | Cause a disturbance, protest about something |
to kick somebody upstairs | Promote somebody to a position apparently more important, just to get rid of him |
to kick around | Be present The idea had been kicking around for some days before it was implemented. |
to kick something around/round | Discuss informally They kicked some ideas around and finally make a decision. |
to kick off | Start a football match Manchester kicked off and scored in the first minute. |
to kick something off | Begin a meeting, a discussion He asked me to kick off the discussion. Remove something by kicking |
to kick somebody out | Expel somebody by force He was kicked out of the business for fighting. |
a kick in the teeth | Unpleasant and unexpected action The idea turned out to be a kick in the teeth for all the employees. |
alive and kicking | Still living, in good health I'm glad to hear that he's alive and kicking. |
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