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English Short Stories - Cuentos en inglés
Aesop's Fables: The Serpent and the File

A Serpent in the course of its wanderings came into an armourer's shop.

As he glided over the floor he felt his skin pricked by a file lying there.

In a rage he turned round upon it and tried to dart his fangs into it; but he could do no harm to heavy iron and had soon to give over his wrath.

It is useless attacking the insensible.

course trayectoria
wanderings vueltas
came into entró en
armourer's shop armería
glided se deslizó
felt sintió
skin piel
pricked pinchada
file lima
lying que estaba
in a rage furioso
turned round se dio vuelta
dart lanzar
fangs colmillos
harm daño
heavy pesado
iron hierro
give over dejar de hacer algo
wrath ira
useless inútil

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