Recursos para estudiantes de inglés de todos los niveles, profesores y traductores. Para aprender o mejorar tu inglés en forma divertida.
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English As a Second F*cking Language

In English, swearing is essential to effective communication. Whether one wants to succeed in business, school, or social circles, a strong command of unprintable language is absolutely necessary.

Stephen King said: "Great f*cking book!"

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The Slangman Guide to Street Speak 1: The Complete Course in American Slang & Idioms

Have fun and learn "real" American conversational English! This book contains the most common slang and idioms used every day by Americans. Look at this example:

English taught in schools: "I dislike this. It is very difficult."
Real American English: "What a pain!"

You'll be talking like a native "in no time" (very quickly)!

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101 American English Idioms: Understanding and Speaking English Like an American

This collection of funny illustrated cartoons, dialogues and narrative is specially designed to help you understand American English idioms, customs and humor.

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Red Herrings and White Elephants: The Origins of the Phrases We Use Every Day

Amusing and informative... it takes you on a trip through the most fascinating and richest regions of the English language. Discover the origins of common phrases in a fun way!

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Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms

A cat got your tongue? Penny for your thoughts? Every day, idioms bring color to our speech. Since they don't really mean what they say, idioms can stump even the native English-speaker.

This book contains explanations for, and origins of, more than 700 everyday American idioms, complete with sample sentences.

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Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins

Anyone interested in the English language will be fascinated by -and then obsessed with- this dictionary that reads like an erudite gossip column for the city of words.

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What's In A Word? Fascinating Stories Of More Than 350 Everyday Words And Phrases

Here is a fascinating and humorous encyclopedia of more than three hundred words and phrases and how they have taken on new meanings over time.

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