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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés
¿Qué es un idiom?
Un "idiom" o "idiomatic expression" es una frase idiomática utilizada en lenguaje coloquial informal.

En general, el significado de la frase en sí es diferente al significado normal de cada palabra por separado. Por ejemplo, "to let the cat out of the bag" significa "revelar un secreto". Si traducimos palabra por palabra, sería "dejar salir al gato de la bolsa", lo cual es incorrecto.

La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés radica en que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria, aunque en algunos casos existen equivalentes muy similares en el idioma español.

Lee las explicaciones y luego realiza el ejercicio.

Idioms with BROWN

  • to be browned off = be bored, fed up.
    He's browned off with his job.
  • as brown as a berry = having the skin tanned brown by the sun or the weather.
  • in a brown study = in deep thought.


Idioms with GREEN

  • to be green = be immature, inexperienced, easily fooled.
    You must be green to believe that!
  • to be green with envy = be extremely envious.
    I was absolutely green with envy when I saw his splendid new car.
  • to have green fingers = have skill in gardening.
  • to give someone the green light = give somebody permission to do something.
  • a green belt = area of open land around a city.
  • a greenhouse = building with sides and roof of glass, used for growing plants.


Idioms with GREY

  • grey area = aspect that doesn't fit into a particular category, and is therefore difficult to deal with.
    When the rules for police procedure were laid down, a lot of grey areas remained.
  • grey matter = one's brain or intelligence.
    He's a boy with much grey matter, he is extremely good at maths.
  • to go grey = become grey-haired.



  • a yellow streak = cowardice in somebody's character.
  • the yellow press = newspapers that deliberately include sensational news items to attract readers.


Choose the right answer.

1. When Sarah knew that her friend was travelling to Australia, she was .

2. After spending three weeks in the Caribbean, Samantha came back home .

3. I don't trust that newspaper at all. It's part of the .

4. We should find a solution to this problem, specially in all those .

5. Hey, you're only 24 years old, but I can see you're already .

6. Please shut up! I'm with your stories!

7. The local government has given the artisans to open the flea market everyday.

8. Sue loves all plants and flowers. I can assure you that she .

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