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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés

Halloween Noche de Brujas
bat murciélago
black cat gato negro
candy caramelos
cobweb telaraña
costume disfraz
devil diablo
ghost fantasma
haunted house casa embrujada
magic magia
monster monstruo
mummy momia
pumpkin calabaza
skeleton esqueleto
spell hechizo
spider araña
vampire vampiro
witch bruja
wizard brujo, mago


Halloween traditions

  • Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. When the Celts lived in Ireland, Britain and France over 2,000 years ago, they had a pagan agricultural festival on this day. They believed that the dead came back, so they used to light large bonfires to ward off evil spirits. Irish, Scots and other immigrants brought this tradition to North America in the 19th century.

  • The word "Halloween" is a shortened form of "All Hallows' Eve", meaning the evening before "All Hallows' Day" or "All Saints' Day", which is November 1st.
    Trick or treat!
  • In the past, poor people went around asking for food in exchange of a prayer for the dead. Nowadays, this tradition was changed. In Ireland and the United States, children dress up and go door-to-door collecting candy. This is called "trick or treat", meaning that if they don't receive candy they will make a trick or a spell.

  • The carved pumpkin has become the symbol of Halloween. It's called "Jack-o-lantern", from an IrishJack-o-lantern legend about a man called Jack. He was a lazy farmer, who tricked the devil and refused to free him unless he agreed to never let Jack go into hell. So, Jack started to wander the Earth looking for a resting place, carrying a carved turnip with a candle inside.

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